Thursday, July 14, 2011

Why Children Must Get Adjusted (PART I)

Today chiropractic is the #1 choice in alternative healthcare. Chiropractic is very effective and completely safe for ALL ages.  At Wasinger Chiropractic & Acupuncture, LLC we are trained to treat your entire family; whether it's the newest addition to your family of only a couple hours old or the great-grandfather waiting to hear if it's a girl or boy.

Some of you may not understand or realize why your child needs to be adjusted.  As a child devlops it is estimated by age 5 a child falls over 2,00 times.  If this doesn't get your attention, I will soon explain why thesefalls, evein if minor, can be significant.

I have acquired several small articles (which will be uploaded and explained thorughout this next week) explaing how chiropractic can help even your newest addition to yhe family when other professions state, "he/she will evenetally grow out of it."

Children Suffering from "Nocturnal Enuresis" aka Bed-Wetting...
Most chilren wet the bed for the first few years of life, but by the age of 5 most children should be able to establish proper bladder control.  There are actually two types of enuresis:
  • Primary Enuresis - Occurs in a child over 5 years of age, who has never been able to establish proper control
  • Secondary Enuresis - Occurs in a child who has been able to establish proprer bladder control, but who has since lapsed back to wetting the bed.
Unfortunately outside treatment is not often sought for a child wetting the bed. The nerves, which control the bladder, originate in the lower back and sacrum (tailbone).  As a child, the sacrum consists of five separate segments (they begin to fuse around puberty) that move similar to the rest of the spine.  If you remember it is estimated a child falls over 2000 times by age 5.  These falls can lead to misalignments.

          Misalignments --> Nerve Irritation --> Impaired Function To The Body

It has been shown some patients suffering from bed-wetting ceases after the spine is adjusted.  While bed-wetting may not be due to misalignments in your child, it would be advantageous for you to have your child be evaluated for the possibility of spinal problems (misalignments) if he/she is suffering from nocturnal enuresis.

In one specific study, 171 children suffering with enuresis averaged 7 nights of bed-wetting per week prior to the study.  After the children were given some initial chiropractic care the average child reduced the number of "wet" nights to 4 nights per week.  After the study concluded 15% of the children were considered "dry"!