Saturday, June 23, 2012

Children Need Care Too...

I came across some very interesting research articles (which I have included for your reading) which explain why it is important for your children to get adjusted.  I'm a firm believer children, including infants, need care more than adults.

Why?  We are aware of what we do to our bodies.  We make the decisions that lead us to dis-ease.  As parents we have an obligation to raise our children, giving them support and making decisions for them until they can make their own.

Below I have included some facts coming from the research.  Please feel free to leave comments, or contact me for more information.  My goal is to give you enough information to help you make an informed decision.  Regardless if I ever see you in my office, I hope this will make you start thinking.  Everyone is unique making every case unique, give us a call if you would like to discuss more about keeping your children healthy.

According to the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology, antibiotics and vaccines are the medicines that most often cause adverse reactions in children.

  • the leading problem was from Amoxicillin and "general" vaccines
Asthma accounts for more childhood hospitalizations than any other childhood disease.  Nearly all suffering from asthma are under the age of 18.

  • strong links are noted between people who suffer from asthma and nerve interference from subluxations
Chiropractic care is thought to prevent infractions by correcting misalignments and allowing normal fluid drainage from the middle ear.  In one study, 80% of the children who received chiropractic care were free of infections 6 months following care.

I have also included some information about vaccines and medication errors within the United States.

The number of compulsory vaccines has increased from 10 to 36 in the past quarter-century.  Attention Deficit Disorder has doubled in the past 25 years, while Autism has increased by as much as an incredible 500% across United States in the past 10 years.

If you choose to vaccinate your children, ask for mercury-free versions.  Most vaccines now have a mercury-free version.  Avoid "triple-threat" vaccines if possible.  Vaccines such as the MMR have been linked to autoimmune disease, insulin-dependent diabetes, asthma, MS, Crohn's, and rheumatoid arthritis.

If you have time take some time to get to know Dr. Wasinger and the office through our website:

If you would like to get ahold of Dr. Wasinger you can call his office or stop by.

Wasinger Chiropractic & Acupuncture, LLC
1811 E Mary St, Ste A1
Garden City, KS 67846

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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Pesticides Exposure Associated With Parkinson's Disease

This article was originally published back in 2006 by Harvard.

Individuals reporting exposure to pesticides had a 70% higher incidence of Parkinson's (PD) than those not reporting exposure.  On a positive note, no increased risk of PD was found from exposure to other occupational hazards, such as:  asbestos, coal dust, chemicals, or acids.

Taken from the article:
"Exposure to pesticides was reported by 5,203 men (8.2 percent) and 2,661 women (3.3 percent).  Among those reporting exposure, after adjusting for age, sex, and other risk factors for Parkinson's disease, there was a 70 percent higher incidence of PD than among people who reported no exposure."
Exposure to these pesticides were more often found in males who's occupation was either a farmer or rancher.  However, the data indicated regardless of occupations, the risk of PD was the same across the board.  It is likely the others included in this study were exposed while at home or gardening.

As always, I encourage people to research these topics on their own, encourage feedback or comments.  The study appeared in the July issue of Annals of Neurology (Ann Neurol. 2006; 60:197-203).